The Cemetery is maintained to a high standard. Every Tuesday all sites are inspected and tidied, which includes the removal of flowers past their prime.
If artificial flowers have been used in approved areas, the curator will use his or her discretion as to whether or not they need to be removed – this may be if they are weathered, dirty or there is an excessive amount, and sometimes this may include reducing and cutting back what is present on the site.
Foreign articles may also be removed if considered to be: hazardous (this includes glass and ceramic items), or impacting on the natural environment. Wind chimes or anything hanging from trees or plants is not permitted and will be removed immediately.
Any items that are removed by the cemetery will be held for a period of two months before disposal and may be collected by appointment from the funeral home reception between the hours 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
It is preferred that items other than flowers are kept to a minimum (no more than two) and no more than 10cm in height. This will help to maintain an environment consistent with the original design.
No additional planting will be permitted. Plaques are cleaned at regular intervals.
If on special occasions you are not able to get to the cemetery, we are happy to place flowers on sites for you – just have them delivered to the reception of the funeral home and they will be taken up that very day. If larger vases are required, please phone ahead and they will be placed on the site for you.
At certain times during the year, areas will be refurbished. Letters giving notice of this will be sent prior and to the last known address of the licence holder. During this time all items will be removed from the area to refresh the garden and sites. Items that are removed will be held for three months after this refurbishment.